
Car Price May Include Fingerprint Barter?

As if buying a car is not complicated enough, at least one BMW dealer in California has added yet another layer of complication to the activity. A well-spoken blogger in California wrote about her attempted car buying experience that culminated in a “No Sale” all because the dealership refused to sell her the vehicle unless…

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2006 VW Beetle

Everybody ought to have a … beetle. A VW beetle, that is. I am currently driving a 2006 Volkswagen Beetle Package 2, manual transmission, moonroof, heated seats — the works. This car is a room with a view. Surrounded by glass, moonroof overhead, no appreciable blind spots, you can really see where you are going.…

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Is Your Vehicle Making You Sick?

Today sees the advent of a new auto-related site called, at which consumers can investigate and research the “healthiest” and most unhealthy vehicles based on their chemical components. According to, that “new car smell” is actually caused by toxic chemicals and is dangerous to your health. I suppose this could be a marketing…

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Insurers Make Gross Misrepresentation to CT Legislative Committee

Every new lawyer who has ever worked in a firm knows the terror of potentially writing a memorandum, brief, or making some representation of the status of a statute or case that is relied upon by others that turns out to be — well — wrong.  I’m not talking of distinctions or hair-splitting about the case;…

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NAMIC Position on the McCarran-Ferguson Act

NAMIC, the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies, issued a “Statement for the record to the Senate Committee on the Judiciary regarding The McCarran-Ferguson Act” protesting any repeal or limitation of the MFA”. According to NAMIC’s website, the organization identified saving the MFA as its top issue of 2007. I sometimes hear that insurers actually…

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